Eve was the first woman created. In the biblical creation account, God formed the first human, Adam. God knew it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, so as Adam was sleeping, God removed a rib from his side and fashioned another human, a woman.
The original Hebrew text calls this woman Ezer Kenegdo, which means strong help, or corresponding strength. (Genesis 2:18) The word Ezer is found 21 times in the Bible. Two refer to the first woman, three refer to nations that Israel requested military support from, and sixteen refer to God as the helper of Israel. The woman was created to be a strong partner and an equal to lead and walk alongside Adam.
God created these humans in his image, both male and female, together reflecting his character.
He blessed them and gave them a mandate to be fruitful, multiply, and take authority over all of creation. (Genesis 1:27-28)
God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and instructed him to eat freely of any tree in the garden except one. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was off limits. (Genesis 2:15-17)
After Eve was created, she and Adam were naked and unashamed. A serpent came to her and tempted her to take and eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. After some dialogue with the serpent, Eve became deceived, believing that the fruit would give her great wisdom. She gave in to temptation, eating the fruit and offering it to Adam. After they both ate the fruit, the man and woman experienced shame for the first time. They hid from God, knowing they had disobeyed him. (Genesis 3:1-7) As a result of their sin, God gave consequences to the man and the woman (Genesis 3:14-19).
Eve is the mother of all humanity, the crown of the creation story, the completed reflection of God's image. She was the first to believe the lie that the deceiver told her. Despite the brokenness that entered the world because of her sin, Eve’s offspring would be a part of the redemption offered to the human race. Her seed (referring to Jesus Christ) will crush the serpent's head once and for all. (Genesis 3:15)