Mary of Bethany
Mary was a disciple of Jesus from the town of Bethany. She and her brother Lazarus and sister Martha were very close friends of Jesus.
In one of His most well known miracles, Jesus raised her brother Lazarus from the dead.
There was a dinner given in Jesus' honor, and Mary entered, anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume and wiping them with her hair.
The disciples were bothered by Mary's extravagant act of worship, but Jesus praised this beautiful act.
He compared it to preparing his body for burial. He said that her act of love would be proclaimed throughout the world wherever the gospel is preached.
Later, when Jesus visited their home, Mary sat at His feet, listening to his teachings as her sister busily worked and and prepared for their guest. Although Martha was frustrated with her sister’s lack of help, Jesus praised Mary for her posture of learning and devotion.(Mark 14, Luke 10, John 11)